Message From The CMO

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The COVID pandemic has been caused by the SARS-CoV-2 RNA which represents the seventh Coronavirus strain now known to cause infection in humans. Aside rom the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the previous SARS and MERS caused concerning epidemics, whilst the remaining four contribute to the seasonal common cold. The ease and frequency of RNA virus mutations, as evidenced with the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic, confer significant resilience and increased transmissibility to the virus with difficulty in achieving maintained levels of protective antibodies following both natural and vaccine induced immunity. This has implications in developing effective treatment strategies for COVID-19. Public health measures of masks, distancing, ventilation, and hand hygiene have been effective for colds, SARS and MERS, but until now there have been no prophylactic or therapeutic measures to stop these respiratory viruses running their course.

This pandemic continues, and our best hope is of achieving global herd immunity and that the SARS-CoV-2 virus becomes a less virulent member amongst the panel of viruses that inflict the yearly common cold. Based on historical facts, it is also likely that we need to be prepared for further significant mutations within the next decade.

Vaccines, including the mRNA inoculations have had an impressive impact on severity, hospitalizations and deaths. The impact of neutralizing antibodies has become increasing attenuated with each mutation and now, Omicron has achieved a high degree of resistance. As the virus continues to replicate, it is inevitable that a further mutation will possibly occur and there is a risk that genetic recombination occurs during reproduction, leaving us with a new strain combining the pathogenicity of Delta and the transmissibility of Omicron. We would return to early 2020 with all of the political, social, and economic consequences.


Our core group at COVIRIX Medical includes the head of Research for the company associated with the development of Relenza as the first anti-flu drug and as a dry powder inhalation, a world-class manufacturing pharmaceutical chemical engineer, a medicinal chemist with expertise in antiviral therapies, an investment banker and two cardio-respiratory physicians.

The field of antivirals is only now gaining traction. We have multiple target population groups we believe will be well suited to our products: (1) Patients with proven infection (2) Primary and secondary contacts (3) Front-line carers and (4) Prophylactic use for mass events and travel.

Widespread and concurrent use of an effective and economically-priced inhaled drug would ease the safe return to normal life globally. The antiviral approach, based on the modality of our drugs would permit stockpiling for the inevitable next pandemic. We believe we have the right business plan and valid scientific rationale to provide a transformative solution for this unmet need. We would like you to join us in looking back in the sands of time and seeing your footprints.

Ian Nixon

Chief Medical Officer


Level 1, 237 East Boundary Road 
Bentleigh East, Victoria, 3165 



Prof Kumud Dhital
CEO & Director

Richard Li
Executive Director & Head of Corporate Development

Dr Ian Nixon
CMO & Director